War of the Buttons

Freely adapted from the novel by Louis Pergaud. Premiered at The Haverford School and was a semifinalist in the International Student Playscript Competition (connected with the UK’s National Student Drama Festival).


At the end of every summer, the kids of one small town go to war. Their opponents: the students of the nearby boarding school, newly-returned from their exotic travels and fancy homes. There may not be blood, but there will be no doubt who wins this year: those captured will have their buttons cut off—so says Charlie, leaders of the townies.

With the closing of the ice cream factory, its main industry, the town has been plunged into ruin, and the prep school has started to buy up failed real estate. For the local kids—for whom every button is precious—the war has become about saving their home. They turn the old ice cream factory into their headquarters and hide their war chest there. But that’s not all that’s hiding at the ice cream factory: Charlie’s parents have left town to look for work and abandoned him. If he’s found out by the adults, he’ll be sent away for sure.

Just as the locals seem to be winning, one of their own betrays them, and the preps take everything. With time running out, can Charlie and his friends find a way to save the day, or will all—including Charlie himself—be lost?