Newt Gingrich Visits a Residential Youth Facility Not Near Omaha

Written for teen actors, though the characters may also be played by adults.

Finalist for the Actors Theatre of Louisville Heideman Award.

Newt Gingrich Visits was originally titled Newt Gingrich At Boys Town, and Theatre Double received permission from Boys Town for its production in Philadelphia. However, to avoid any potential trademark infringement, confusion or accidental connection to Father Flanagan’s youth homes or the movie, at the request of the legal counsel for Boys Town, the title has since been changed. The play is in no way connected to Boys Town, nor should any connection be implied.


Jason and Nick, residents at a facility for troubled teens, wait for then-Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich to arrive. Jason expects Newt’s dinner and photo op visit to change their lives, while cynical Nick wants to resist but can’t quite help wanting to believe. Meanwhile, their underwear has disappeared. And when Newt’s limousine finally arrives, it’s raining, and since the photo op will be ruined, Newt gets back inside and drives away again, leaving Jason and Nick right where they started.