4 A.M.

Premiered at Edwin Parr High School (Athabasca, AB, Canada). It may also be performed with its stand-alone sequel, The Magic Hour, which follows the same group of characters, picking up a year later.

4 A.M. also exists as a full-length rock-pop musical here!

Best Outstanding One-Act Play Performance, West Virginia Thespian Festival.
Best Youth Production, 16th Dandenong Ranges One Act Play Festival (Emerald, Victoria, Australia).
Winner, 29th Annual Inter-School Drama Competition 2015 (Sri Lanka).


What’s it like to be awake when the rest of your world is asleep? Meet an early-morning jogger, a radio DJ whose show may have an audience of none, a modern Romeo and Juliet, the author of a most unusual letter, and many other teen characters as they search for connection in the magic hour. Through a series of connected scenes and monologues, join them on their journey as they discover whether the monster under the bed is real and collectively wonder…is there anybody out there?